Sunday, April 26, 2009

Turkey's Birthday, Oly Symphony

Today my cat Kuzco turned 5. We bought him a new collar, cat grass, and a crazy feather toy. He seems pleased with all of the above. I can't believe he's been with me for 5 yrs now. We've been through hell and back together, that's for sure! He holds the record for most dependable male in my life... he's got Geoff beat by 2 yrs. :) I took birthday pictures but I'll put them up tomorrow. Too sleepy tonight.

We also went to see the Olympia Symphony tonight. I was super excited cause I used to play in the Olympia Youth Symphony. It was a good concert. I was most excited to hear Copland but they didn't play a very exciting Copland piece. They closed with a D'vorak piece that was amazing though.

Laura helped me with my shirt dress this morning. I took it in even more when I got home so it fits a little better and made a little bag to match. I took pics of those too but again, pics tomorrow.

I'm going to go to bed. I have a yucky cold and my allergies are acting up on top of it so I'm feeling pretty miserable.

Oh, btw, boss called today and said he might be able to have me come back to work soon. Bitter sweet. :)

Ok I'm off. *achew*

1 comment:

  1. im glad it turned out!!! it looked super cute in the pictures you sent me.
    thats cool about the job... but i totally understand.. its nice to stay home huh!?
    we'll have to hang out soon again!
